You are getting Used!!!!!
Today I want to talk about a special breed of people. These people aren't normal, they are actually something else but they show us that they something else. Well I don't know the inside story but upper layer story looks quite decent and people blindly trust them. Let's first to end up this confusion I will special people as "A" and normal people as "B". First let me tell you the game which Group A plays. And to be honest I have seen this kind of people only on Social Media like Facebook and Twitter, I found no one like this on Instagram till now I can't make comment on what comes next. What they do?? What they will do is, They will post their selfie which will be edited and in its caption they will mention things like, "Suicide attempts" "Lost Love" "Break-Up" "Family Problems" "Loneliness" "Failure in Career" "Unlucky AF" "Not getting result" and many more such hopeless...