|S| A Small Gift |Trust Story Part 6|

I :- I want to talk with your father.

Natasha :- This will lead to more complex situations.

I :- Try to understand your father is involved in my parent's murder and he is just sitting downstairs and watching fucking TV.

Natasha :- We will find another way I feel direct confession is not right he can even send you jail and remember you are out because of me so please understand not today.

I :- Okay honey, I want to take some fresh air can I go outside?

Natasha :- Of course.

Natasha kissed me.

Natasha :- Return quickly because I need you and now I don't trust anyone in this world except you.

I jumped through the window.

I went to a tea shop there I got newspaper to read and there was one news which was relevant to me.


And it was from Ken's Company.

I kept that paper with me.

After walking for 20 minutes I returned to Natasha's Bungalow.

I :- I have watched many crime shows but still can't understand the reason why Sam did that to you and on your father's approval.

Natasha :- He beat me with my hand's tied next time when I will see him I will kill him.

I :- Can I ask you a Question?

Natasha :- Yes

I :- He tried to rape you? just asking.

Natasha :- No, he was a fucking coward can't handle a girl .

and our conversation went on....

Someone arrived at the Bungalow.

I :- Who's this?

Natasha :- No idea, let me check.

She rushed downstairs and returned angrily .

I :- What Happened?


I :- Calm down give me an iron rod I want to convey a message to him.

I went downstairs and Sam was in Ken's room and secretly I tried to look inside and the scene which I just saw was unbelievable.

I went back to Natasha's room.
Natasha :- What happened?
I :- Your father is a gay and Sam is his partner.
Natasha :- I can't believe.
I :- Go downstairs and check it yourself .
She went and returned dumbfounded.

I :- Wait for him I will him a small gift.
I covered my face with Natasha's scarf and after one hour Sam came outside.
I jumped off through window and in dark I beat him heavily and he got severe injuries maybe his right hand got fractured.
Well that was a small gift .

I climbed to her room .
Natasha was happy, she kissed me .
Natasha :- So what's next?
I :- I will work in your father's Company.
I showed her the paper cutting.

[To be Continued...]


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