Feel Better...

Most of the people in the world think that their life, career, relationships e.t.c are fucked and they can't do anything to correct it and feel better.
Some think that they can do it but they have no time because all their time is consumed in their job or business.

In those people, students are also tensed because many of them didn't got courses in their favor and some students got their favorite course but they are suffering from college.

In case of lovers, they are tensed because they aren't getting date with the girl/boy they like, others might have Girlfriend/Boyfriend but their problem is they can't spend with her/him.

Well these are some basic problems and we already made a perception that "It can't be corrected".
And we are so lazy that whenever we get some free time in our home instead of watching some we shows or reading books we just think about that problem and we just overthink about it and ruin that free time.

We guys overthink too much and in some cases it is the main reason of problem.

Well I have been also through some my career related problems, I actually wanted to study Agriculture as my main subject but I had "Math" in my 12th standard so University wasn't allowing me to pursue that course so in alternate they offered me "Food Technology" and that course didn't interest me so I took up "Economics" and looking forward in life, I am also trying some other things too like Finance, Accounting and some other stuff.

To be really honest there is no such solution available to solve all these but I will give some points which you can keep in mind .

First thing to keep in mind is "Expectation".

People get tensed due to some some third person, it can be your friend, Parents, Wife, Husband e.t.c
Don't expect anything .
For example, When men return from office they expect a warm welcome from their wives and if they aren't welcomed as they expected, directly their ego hurts .
They start thinking that they have no respect in their home he is just a working man and nothing else and they think a lot.

Now there's a twist.
If you will not expect anything from anyone.
Then just replay that above example you will find it much more relaxing.

Feel Better

I want to make one more point very clear .
Because there are some childish people in our community.
They will ask "Then why to marry someone if we can't expect from him/her?"

Well if you think that this question is relevant in any sense then go through my whole Blog.
Why you marry a girl or boy?
According to me it is because everyone wants a life partner and someone to love.
He/She also have life and his/her problems, so there's no point in expecting anything from your partner apart from love.

Feel Better???

"That's it for today I hope you got my point which I wanted to share"

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Read my other posts too.

I have a life too..

Just Love and Lust..


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