Relationship Timeline ?

In majority of people there's a confusion about Relationship Timeline and also some words like Dating and Relationships .

Are these words have same meaning or nor?
Here I will try to cover all these topics and at the end I will give a one-liner tips to both of them who are in Relationship and who are dating.

First thing I want to make it clear that they are slightly different, in simple words we can say that they are related to each other .
These both are basically a part of "Relationship Timeline" or we can say "Stages of Relationships".

Relationship Timeline ?

What Kind Relationship Timeline ??

As I am a boy so I will write from Boy's point of view so that it will be easy for me to discuss.
So Girls please adjust 😍.

First Stage of Relationship Timeline is "Get to know each other".

Relationship Timeline ?

If you don't know each other then Relationship is totally impossible.
You should know each other and it's simple way is communication, you may have met each other at some common friend or any party or Online Dating.
It really doesn't matter but you should know each other.

Now that you know each other and after talking and chatting, you start liking her.

Second Stage of Relationship Timeline is "Proposing".

Relationship Timeline ?

I have already written a Blogpost about in details so check it out for sure.

As we are discussing about dating and relationship, so we will assume that girl accepts the proposal.

Third Stage of Relationship Timeline "Dating".

Relationship Timeline ?

Now this is the stage where you are dating that girl.
You are spending time with her, going to movies, shopping, family gatherings etc.

One thing here to note is, there's no commitment.
You aren't sill committed to her.
If you aren't liking being with her or that dating is not working out properly, you can have break up with her and this will not hurt anyone.
Because if you aren't compatible to that person then that dating is really worthless and time wasting.

Now moving forward,
Now you started loving her and now you don't want to date any other girl.
You really want to be with her and this is point where you have to commit yourself to her.

Relationship Timeline ?

Then comes the Fourth stage of Relationship Timeline "Relationship".

Now you both are connected to each other and now both of you are committed to each other.

"Now I think you got the difference between Dating and Relationship.
And also about the Relationship Timeline".

My One Liner Tip.

For Dating, "You guys are doing great just accept each other's reality and try to create a deeper bond".
For Relationship," You don't really don't need my tips I will just say HAVE GREAT SEX".

Relationship Timeline ?


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