Don't Miss These Great Shows!

During this period I have been watching a lot of web shows and movies around on Netflix on Amazon prime videos so today I am going to list out FIVE WEB SHOWS which you should definitely give it a try because I have picked very different kind of series which belong to different genres.

First thing I am gonna mention is I am not picking them on the basis of ratings or any critical review these are based on my thoughts.

Here's the list...


Probably the best series I have watched this year, it is very engaging, confusing, mysterious, there a lot surprises, it is also sc-fi, it also plays around with your feelings & many things.

This is the series which I will recommend everyone to watch, you really can't miss this one.

Here's the link :-

2. 13 Reasons Why Season 4.

I know this is a kind of controversial pick but this is a kind of series which goes inside you, it really shows those which happen to young teens.

I always call this series as bold series because the creators & actors are very brave to put all the things, social issues & other things on the screen brilliantly.
We all love Clay Jensen, right?
This series got tanked in Season 2 & 3 but season 4 is back with a BANG, and it's a must watch.

Here's the link :-

3. The Witcher

If you have played its video game or read it's books then you know this very well but those who haven't should watch this show.
And I belong to those who never played or read.

This show is a complete fantasy just like Game Of Thrones. After the fucking end of Game Of Thrones, people started comparing Witcher with GOT and I understand this because there's sex, story, horses, wine, magic & almost everything which we got in Game Of thrones.
But whatever you should give it a watch.

Here's the link

4. Unbelievable

This is one the best series I have seen because in this series you will see how a Victim faces bad consequences from Police & it's own family, but the question here is that "Is VICTIM really a VICTIM?".

Or it's all fake.
This series asks a lot of questions and makes it a MUST WATCH.

Here's the link :-


It's a sex comedy teen series created around many teens who have their sexual problems.
Overall I would say if you want to laugh a lot & specifically if you laugh a lot on sexual jokes & things, who love this series a lot.

Here's the link :-

"So that was my list of movies I have given links there you can stream them & don't forget comment below 😉“.


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