Top 5 Tools To Start Blogging!!

You need these things to start..

Hi Guys today I am not writing any story or solving any relationship problem today I will give you some list of items which I use and in last 4-5 days I have bought one electronic device which is quite good.
I will tell you about them and I will tell you about some apps which I use to edit images, write blog posts and sharing them, almost everything I used since I started Blogging.

So it's gonna be a very fun blog post to me I hope you will like this one, so let's start our list.

First element is actually an App called "Google Keep".

I have also used "Google Docs" but I found Keep way more fast and easy to use, it saves anything you type quickly and even you aren't connected to internet it will never bother you.
It's second feature is sharing, I don't know why nowadays whenever I share a link on Twitter it doesn't show the preview image and it makes the tweet look bad and I don't like it, this problem is solved by Keep, I have actually created different notes for all blog posts and attached it's image with it, so whenever I share that note image get on it easily I don't have to search image manually to make a tweet.

Here's link for it.

Play Store:-

App Store (iOS) :-

Second element is again an App called "PicsArt".

To create header images I first tried the original image editor which is already installed in smartphone but it was very restrictive in nature so I finished my search on PicsArt.
It's the best you can get for making header images and Pinterest images.
But it has also has some minor cons, like it will push you to buy their paid plan but you can ignore them easily.
To make logo I will recommend "Canva".

Third element is "Bitly".

It is a online tool to shorten links and to share it easily.
Another thing about it is you can keep track of it's clicks which helps.

Fourth thing is a "Small Keyboard".

And this is the only thing in which I have invested money I saved a bit of my pocket money and purchased this thing and it's available is low price I also checked it online and offline, prices were almost same.
And if you are following me on Twitter you might know that I hated typing and I used to type on my smartphone which is not a kind of great experience.

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But trust me guys you will not regret buying this product I am really liking it, it's compact you can take it where ever you want, it's keys are a kind soft plastic which gives a good feel.
You might feel it's keys are small maybe uncomfortable, so here I want to make a thing clear that I used to type on my smartphone and once or twice I have used Laptop to type so to me it was good I don't know how it will feel if you are using a Laptop on daily basis.

It also has a touchpad which really helps in browsing and stuff.
But at the end if you want a small keyboard for it's compactness and usefulness, you can really buy it.

Here's a link check it out.

So that's it for the list I am also looking for Tablets and I have planned to buy one, any suggestions, I just want to read books, browsing and some small stuffs.         BYe!!


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