Can't Interact With Girls [Part 3]

Can't Interact With Girls [Part 3]


Being really honest I have already covered this topic but I thought there are more points to discuss over, so readers I will recommend you to read them first so that we can get over a same page and discuss things above that.
And today we discuss this points by taking a vision of a normal boy who likes a girl and I am not talking about "FUCKBOYS" because I don't know why they exist.


"Hi Readers!
This is Aditya and let's start".

This post is going to be a bit different from earlier ones because today I will also make a comparison between reality and imagination/expectation.

Expectation vs Reality
Some good relationships don't get a head start because today's generation mostly lives in Imagination and Overthinking.

Fuck Down

Very first point is "Likes and Comments".

We all know these fucking useless thing matters, I don't know what people earn by "Likes and Comments".
But keeping that apart this plays a big.

Expectations :-
When a boy likes all the pictures of a girl and writes comment in each of them like "Cool Pic" , "Beautiful" e.t.c
Mostly boys think that a girl will like this and they will get attention from her and eventually Boy will propose her.

Reality :-
Reality is a girl will never think a bit about you until and unless you will talk to her in real and make an impression.
The girls which love "Likes and Comments" aren't matured, their life will be finished in that.


Second point is "Hi".

Expectation :-
In order to start conversation with a girl on social website, most boys start with a "Hi" and expect a reply.
Reality :-
But it never happens because "Hi" is really a boring message and mostly the other person will also reply with a "Hi" so you really can't expect am interesting conversation and there should be no expectation of love.

Hi!! Fucker

One thing you need to understand is now people want a purpose to talk I am not saying that Relationship is not a purpose but without without any conversation you guys will never know each other from inside because while talking on some particular subject both person share their ideas and you know each other well.

Third Point is "Adult Jokes".
We all love isn't it??

Expectation :-
It has been written on every Relationship Blog that "Girls love Funny Boys" well I have covered that topic in detail you should check out that.
And this thing is religiously followed by boys and they can't send normal jokes, I don't know why so they send some adult jokes just to make her laugh.

Reality :-
Everyone loves Sex, Pleasures and Jokes.
But from a right person.
And in any initial conversation if you will throw adult jokes, she might judge you in a very bad way.
And even if she likes that joke the you will just become a "Joke-Teller" not a Boyfriend.

Adult Jokes |SLEMT|

Wait for it have patience when your conversation will be going good then try Jokes.
And basically you need her laugh by your sense of humor not jokes but once or twice you can try.


Can’t interact with Girls??

Can’t interact with girls ? [Part 2]


"That's it for today I hope you liked it"

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