You are a PET animal..

You are a PET animal!!!

Well this is a very common disease from which many people are suffering, well it seems a disease to me but for some people it is a step towards a better relationship.

Don’t be a PET animal.

Is that so ??
Let's find out in this Post.
In this World there's a very common thing that "When we will do something then we will get something" and like "No Pain No Gain".

These statements are totally correct but I think in case of relationships they aren't much valid.
I have seen boys and girls in school and even in college doing their Crush's assignments and some other stuffs.
In school once I saw a girl, she was cutting cardboard in shape for project preparation, well that's okay but that work was for her Crush.
Problem is not that she is helping that boy, problem is that she is in a expectation that one day they both will be in a relationship.
And in most of the cases the Crush is a very selfish fellow after getting the work done he/she will forget .

So, the people who work and are expecting a relationship from his/her Crush, I call them PET animal.
We all know number of relationships are increasing in schools manifold times but most of them are just PET animals, nothing else.

Why people become PET?

I met a boy who was a PET animal of my friend, and I asked few questions to him so I will discuss that.
My first question was, WHY?
The answer was, getting attention.
He feel if he will do that that he will talk to her, will take her phone number and eventually they both will come closer and they will be in a relationship.
Well I can't say more about they guy was having some really serious dreams.

My second question was, Will all these gonna happen?
He said, if he will try and do his best so surly this will work .

I want to say a thing, that proposing a girl is not like giving interviews for job if both sides like each other then I think there's no need of date to propose or say anything, everything goes smoothly and automatically.

He is just ruining his life and nothing else.

Is that so, HOW??

Well mostly such Pet animals are found in schools, so I will take an example of that.
Suppose, there's a girl and a boy.
Boy is not interested in that girl and he is selfish and in most of the cases it happens and here the girl is PET animal means he has crush on that boy.
One day in school they get a project and it's a really hard one, in school he in directly talks to her for making project and the girl goes mad.
She returns home, after getting fresh she starts making a project and it took about 2 hours, after completing that she will think him for half hour and after that she will make that project again.
And let's assume total cost came around 100 Rs.
Total money spend is 200 Rupees and total hours 4 hours and when she was making his project in that mean time, that boy may have studied some books or had some rest or did any other productive work.
That project went in one day, but that girl's time and energy got totally wasted in a bullshit and at the end she got nothing.
In that two hours, in which he made that boy's project she would have done anything productive .


Well there's no issue of money because because they are not earning it.
But time matters.

What to do??

I don't know why people make relationships so complicated, if you will this thing only complicated then how you will be able to control your career and stuff.
There are a lot stuff and challenges coming in future instead of doing this nonsense shit, do something productive and ignore your crushes talk to those who really wants to talk with you.
Don't impose your love on anyone.


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