Dear Trollers!!

I have been seeing this issue from many days now and I think it's important to write about it I written about it earlier but things are getting worse now.

"Hi Readers! 
Aditya here again and today's topic is not about relationships it's an important one".

In one of my earlier blog post I discussed about a movie "ZERO"  which was a fantastic movie but failed in terms of box office and recently a movie released called "KALANK" I saw this movie on very first day and it was a kind of average movie not good and not bad either and even I tweeted my review on Twitter .

Problem I want to discuss here is "Spreading Negativity" when I tweeted my review I followed that hashtag of #KalankReview and there I found many negative tweets about the movie and I am damn sure 90% of the people hadn't watched that movie they just want to spread negativity , bad review or negative review is not a bad thing I also review movies but the problem is People troll it and they make memes and the sharing rate of memes in India is very high and the movie gets eventually destroyed .

Here I am not only specific about these movies there are many like SOTY 2 I also reviewed and yes movie wasn't good but the memers of India are trolling it very badly .

Look one thing you need to understand "Difference between Review and Negativity" .
Review is the opinion of a person which he gets after watching a movie and review comprises good thing as well as bad thing like pros and cons, for example In my review of SOTY2 I wrote "Story is trash and Tara is love " I liked the work of Actress Tara but the story was mindless, so this is a review but those mad people who claim themselves on Twitter that they have watched movie and they will write only bad things, they will say only bad things about Acting, Direction, Script e.t.c and they include hashtags of review, if you are a that kind of a guy please leave this blog I don't want such people on my blog who just want to spread negativity .

Do you know ?
How much hard work is required to make a movie and it requires a lot of money .
And your one tweet and one retweet can destroy a movie .

In earlier times before such spread of internet in India, movie used to get flop that time too but now movie and movie makers face humiliation if any point in the movie is bad they get hugely trolled on Twitter and Instagram this thing is also affecting brains of youth as well as business of movies .

If you watch a movie review it on twitter and include it's pros and cons and if you don't watch so please don't write anything about it and specially don't write negative about it .
And in India for actors and actresses there are die hard fans and also haters, and the mentality of a hater is like "Spreading negativity about that particular actor is his job and he will try his best to contribute in destruction of that movie".

"I think things are very clear to you, if you liked it and you agree with me comment below .


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